WASHINGTON – Congresswoman Jahana Hayes issued the following statement today after the House of Representatives passed by voice vote H.R. 748, the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act, the third major piece of legislation passed by Congress to respond to the public health crisis in recent weeks. The Senate passed this legislation Thursday morning, and the President is expected to sign the bill into law as soon as possible. “Connecticut has been hit particularly hard by this virus, with more than 1,000 confirmed cases to date. Nonessential businesses in my state have been shuttered, crippling our local economy, squeezing small businesses, and causing painful layoffs,” said Congresswoman Hayes. “Our hospitals, frontline health workers, and first responders are overwhelmed working without enough resources, personal protective equipment, and tests to combat the rapid spread of this unrelenting disease.
“This bill is not perfect, and does not include everything I advocated for, but it does include critical funding that will save lives and help my constituents in Connecticut’s 5th District recover from the economic fallout of this public health crisis. While this third relief package is a monumental step forward, more work needs to be done to respond to this public health and economic emergency. When future legislation is being discussed, I hope to include more relief for volunteer firefighters and EMS personnel, who are the first responders in the many of the communities in my district. Their work is so vitally important, now more than ever, and we must ensure they have the proper equipment and protections in place to do their jobs. I hope more funding will be made available for rural health providers in the Northwestern Corner of Connecticut. We must help the Postal Service and its employees, which have been hit hard by the effects of the virus. I want to see more support for teachers as they adapt to a new reality of distance learning, and more relief for student loan borrowers.
“The impact that this virus is having on my district, Connecticut, and our nation, cannot be understated, and we must do everything to help Americans overcome the challenges we are facing. Now is the time for unity, cooperation and immediate action. For these reasons I support this bill and look forward to it being signed into law.”
The CARES Act will immediately send relief to hardworking lower and middle-income individuals and families, provide billions of small business relief, and help keep Americans safe. Specifically, the bill includes:
The text of the bill can be found here. A summary of the bill can be found here.
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Rep. Jahana Hayes has been a public-school teacher in Connecticut for more than 15 years and was recognized in 2016 as the National Teacher of the Year.
Currently serving her first term in the U.S. House of Representatives, Rep. Hayes sits on the Committees on Education & Labor and Agriculture and proudly represents Connecticut’s 5th District.