WASHINGTON – Tonight, Congresswoman Jahana Hayes (CT-05) released the following statement following the vote on the emergency supplemental appropriations to respond to the attacks in Israel:
“Today, the House of Representatives failed to pass a supplemental aid package for Israel. This legislation provides $17.6 billion for the U.S. Departments of State and Defense to respond to attacks on Israel. This legislation, however, does not provide any funds to address the ongoing humanitarian crisis in Gaza, nor does it provide funds for our allies in Ukraine or the Indo-Pacific.
For these reasons, I voted no to H.R. 7217, the Israel Security Supplemental Appropriations Act. I cannot support legislation that ignores the tens of thousands of Palestinians surviving without food, water, medicine, and fuel or the needs of our Democratic allies in Ukraine who are fending off Putin at their borders and ports. Humanitarian aid must be part of any national security conversation.
I have a long standing, demonstrated voting record of support for our diplomatic partnership with Israel. Unfortunately, once again, Republicans are playing partisan games with our national security and global stability.
I remain committed to thoughtfully considering any legislation that promotes a two-state solution where the Israeli and Palestinian people can live in peace.”