Watch: Congresswoman Hayes Remarks on Transparent Telehealth Bills Act

WASHINGTON – Today, the House Committee on Education and the Workforce passed H.R. 9457, the Transparent Telehealth Bills Act on a bipartisan 34-0 vote. Included in the legislation is an amendment offered by Congresswoman Jahana Hayes (CT-05) to reduce patient costs for telehealth visits by eliminating unnecessary facility fees.

The Transparent Telehealth Bills Act, introduced by Rep. Aaron Bean (FL-04), would require that fees for services offered via telehealth could not include facility fees. However, as written, the legislation left the door open for providers to charge separate service and facility fees and pass those additional costs on to patients.

The amendment offered by Congresswoman Hayes adds an extra layer of protection for patients by preventing healthcare facilities from charging separate service and facility fees.

There is often little transparency when hospitals charge facility fees for telehealth services, and these fees are often only revealed after treatment is provided. The lack of transparency creates unexpected and avoidable costs for individuals and families who are simply seeking timely medical care.

“My amendment to the Transparent Telehealth Bills Act focuses on the patient. This amendment protects patients by eliminating surprise, aftercare costs and helping to lower the overall cost of telehealth care,” said Congresswoman Hayes. “This amendment is fair to providers who will continue to be paid for services rendered, and to patients, who will now only receive one bill for care received through telehealth. I am grateful to my colleagues on the Committee on Education and the Workforce for working with me to ensure this bill protects patients who receive telehealth care.”

The Transparent Telehealth Bills Act now heads to the floor of the House of Representatives for consideration.

Since entering the House of Representatives in 2019, Congresswoman Hayes has advocated for commonsense policies and investments to lower the cost of healthcare for individuals and families across the United States. This amendment is the latest proposal by Congresswoman Hayes that would protect patients and result in lower healthcare costs.